Dispatches from the O2 Deprived

random stories from my head

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Oxygen Deprived, Strange Bedridden Person with Nothing to do

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mama and Papa

Mama and Papa (My Grandparents)

My grandmother turned a hundred years old last January.

I'm not sure if I remember entirely but she said she met my grandfather in College. She was part of the nerdy crowd and he was the popular rich playboy, big man on campus person.

She claimed she was always very snooty to him but the very snobbishness she demonstrated piqued his interest and apparently, he viewed it as a challenge. and basically pursued her until she relented.

One of my memories of them was that they were always together.

They went to work together, they went home together. They ate dinner together after which they would walk around and around our compound for exercise. They would finish their nightly rounds by stretching ( the touch your toes kind ) and then jointly, audibly, inhaling then exhaling.

Their grandchildren (including me) used to find it amusing to mimic them and would follow them around the compound giggling all the while.

They generally ignored us.

They were together until my grandfather died 5 years shy of their golden wedding anniversary.


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