Dispatches from the O2 Deprived

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Oxygen Deprived, Strange Bedridden Person with Nothing to do

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Baguio Bites

We have gone to Baguio several times in the past years...usually summers, mainly Holy Week, but lots of other times too. There are a lot of old pictures hanging about and a lot of short incidents that have happened. These are a few bits of the past that have been preserved through the magic of my scanner ;-)

The Original Baguio Brats....for which the house was made for...years and years before the majority of us were even born. ( he he he)

This was taken when I was about one. Jo Ann was a bit older and she remembers this day. She said we were walking around on this Igorot Village and as we were walking on rocky ground...as we were about to pose, Tita Maya, focusing on the camera, forgot to pay attention to where she was stepping...

...thus this picture


This one shows a very young Eric with a large band-aid on his head.

Jo Ann told me this story. She was playing in the ground floor of the Baguio house, you know, the one which is wide open and drops three or four feet off to the parking area? Anyway, she was down there playing and someone left Eric there too, then they went off to get something or other. Eric was at that age where he was attempting to walk and unfortunately, this was the one day he finally succeeded at it.

The problem was, he walked straight off and dropped off from the edge. Luckily there were a lot of bushes there to catch him and so he only got a teeny bop on the head.

All I remember was Jo Ann yelling "Eric walked!! Eric walked!!" We all came running down to watch him; and well, we couldn't...'cause he had already fallen into the bushes see? Oh well.

I remember this a little bit. I was with Juliet and everyone else at Burnham Park doing the rent-a-bike thing. When I was done, Juliet took me back to the vendor to return the bike. Suddenly she gasped " Ay si ------!!"

I had no idea who she was talking about but she grabbed my arm and yanked me over to this guy. She asked if he would be okay with having his picture taken with me and he said it was fine.

Look how odd my smile was. I remember thinking all this was very weird.

By the way, I still have no idea who this guy is... I didn't know him then, I don't know him now...just in case you do know, can you tell me please? It's kind of driving me crazy

There is no story behind this picture. I just thought it was funny. It was taken in one of the Camp John Hay playgrounds and I was with Jo Ann, Eric, Tasha, and Carlos, and we were being supervised by Gil, Mercy, Chit, and of course, Juliet (Our forever queen of all things Baguio). I think this was one of those summers we went without parents and grandparents and were just there because....I guess... it was hot in Manila?

I just posted this picture because I found it funny. The top picture shows us monkeying around these bars; the next picture shows us on see-saws with Jo Ann and Tasha showing off their impressive balancing talents...

Now...where could Carlos be?

Look back at the monkey bars again... see him all alone back there?

I just thought it funny that he was out there balancing on his own without anyone paying him a bit of attention as we were busy praising the older two keeping their balance on the see-saws.

Talented wasn't he?


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