Dispatches from the O2 Deprived

random stories from my head

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Oxygen Deprived, Strange Bedridden Person with Nothing to do

Friday, March 18, 2005

My Castle

We used to live in a compound in Buencamino.

There was an "up and down" house. The bottom part was ours, while the top apartment was my Tita Nini's...my Grandparents lived in a bigger house right beside ours.

The compound had a cement wall which separated my grandparents' house from ours. There was a gate in the wall though, which provided access between the houses.

We usually went through the gate to play since Mama and Papa's house had numerous fish ponds, a large garden and wide open spaces allowing us to run around.

One of my favorite places to play was a stone castle. It was a rock, brick, cement thing, with a cave like opening and steel bars in the ceiling.

I used to crawl in it and pretend I was a knight...

...hey, don't bug me... so gender stereotypes had not kicked in for me yet...just deal.

Occasionally I would be joined by Aling Sepa's daughter, Nancy.

But usually, I'd play there alone looking through the metal bars dreaming of Camelot.

A couple of years later, we moved to Times...right before my fifth birthday.

We didn't return to Buencamino for years and years.

I however never forgot that I used to have a castle for my very own.

One day, when I was fourteen years old, Tita Nini stated she was going back there to check up on the tenants who were now renting the Buencamino houses. I asked to come along for the ride.

When we got there, I ran straight through to my grandparent's old backyard to check out my castle.

I paused, stunned...and started to laugh.

My castle of rock with the metal barred ceiling was actually an outdoor grill.


My kingdom for a Steak


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this story before but it's just now that I actually saw a picture of your "stone castle"...it's actually a lot nicer than what I imagined. I used to think it was one of those portable outdoor grills so I used to wonder how you could ever think of it as a playhouse type of thing and how come you never realized that it was actually a grill :)

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