Dispatches from the O2 Deprived

random stories from my head

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Oxygen Deprived, Strange Bedridden Person with Nothing to do

Monday, March 21, 2005

Rain Master

When I was very young, Papa and Mama would take my sister and I everywhere. We would go to CCP together, and all the teachers would pinch our cheeks, and allow us to play with the chalk. We would go to Escolta, where we would play underneath the architect's desks and the strange giant adding machine they used to have (the kind with lots of buttons and the wind up lever). We would go to Malolos and visit Western Steel and peer up at the very high ceilings with awe.

Papa would sit in the front of the car with the driver, Mama would sit on the seat behind him. Joann and I would fight over the "high chair" which we used to think was a special seat for children, it allowed the child to sit level with grown ups and see what "they" see.

(I realize now that it actually was the pull-down armchair attachment some cars have...the one in the center of the back seat?)

During those trips, there were, of course, times when it would rain. One day, I noticed that even though it was raining, the window on the driver's side as well my side was becoming drenched (I was sitting behind the driver) my grandfather's window had not a drop. My grandmother's window only wet a teeny bit.

I asked "Papa, why is there no rain on your window?"

He paused, mulled it over, and said "Because I'm very close to God and the raindrops know that. They don't wet my window so I can see the view clearly."

And I was absolutely amazed!!

I knew my Papa was a big-shot but I had no idea how big he was!!

I had no problem believing it though. After all, when he would take me to his offices, no one scolded me when I messed around with the chalk, when I played under the tables, nor when I punched the buttons on the adding machine...it must be because he was who he was!!

In later years I, of course, realized that the rain did not go to his side because it had been raining on an angle thereby hitting only my side of the car.

However, the memory of that day remains with me...and each time I am caught in the car during the monsoon season, just when it begins to drizzle, and the windows hasn't as yet gotten wet...

I smile and remember my Papa who has power over the rain.

Rain rain go away...


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