Dispatches from the O2 Deprived

random stories from my head

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Oxygen Deprived, Strange Bedridden Person with Nothing to do

Monday, March 28, 2005

Old McDonald


Mom used to go to Pandi with Mrs Lacson.. CCP had a small farm there and they would go once a week to check on everything. I think it has been sold but I remember one of the days when Mom brought us there.

It was a miniature farm. There was a small house near the entrance, There was no electricity. the water was still obtained from a water pump off the side of the house. On the left side was a pig sty where huge pigs and baby piglets were lazing about, all covered in mud and were, well...a bit stinky.

Across the house there was a large field. We walked across it and saw row upon rows of teeny watermelons baking in the sun.

Off in a corner was a huge haystack.

We've seen lots of haystacks in the fields along the North Luzon Highway, but I never really thought about them. I really don't know exactly what they were there for...and why are they stacked up like huge yellow Hershey's kisses ?

The stack is just a few steps away from us. All fluffy and inviting. The first thing that goes through my head is " I wonder if anyone has a needle?"

Anyway, we look at the haystack and Mom lifts Laurie up onto it. We all take it is as permission and start climbing up on it.

Soon after, we're sliding up and down the haystack and throwing handfuls to each other. Mom warns us it'll be itchy but we don't take notice .It's way too much fun. We stop when the stack has completely disintegrated.

We get up and go back into the house to get refreshments. Mom goes off to check the cow and we are left alone to explore.

We eventually end up spotting large mango trees scattered behind the house. They were really big and had lots of branches that reached up high, but had trunks which stood close to the ground. The leaves provided a lot of shade. They also had huge mangoes dangling from it like decorations on a Christmas tree.

I always have a book with me so up I go and pick out a branch comfortable enough to sit on, climbed up to it and open my book to while away the hours.

Everyone else start choosing the crook or branch that fits them comfortably...

...and we literally hang around until Mom and Mrs Lacson calls us to go home.


hanging around


Blogger joannreyes said...

it was sooooo itchy thats all i remember! hi les how are you doing? am so enjoying reading your blog, miss you so much xoxo

10:59 PM  

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